DA 1540 ceiling inlet
Efficient, compact inlet for attic constructions
The DA 1540 ceiling inlet is an efficient, compact inlet for attic constructions that directs fresh air into the livestock house through the attic space. The ceiling inlet design ensures optimum regulation of air volume, air velocity, and air direction relative to the temperature and layout of the house.
The velocity of the required incoming air volume is low during cold periods.
During hot periods with high ventilation requirements, the inlets can be fully opened, directing the air to where the animals are.
DA 1540 is available as a chill inlet, a ceiling inlet used in connection with the LPV-Plus system from SKOV. The ceiling inlet is designed to create maximum air velocity during hot periods.
- Uniform climate all over the house
- Inlets close tightly – no draught or false air intake
- Fully insulated – no condensation or ice formation
- Operated by a pull rod – all inlets maintain the adjusted opening degree
- Maintenance-free and long durability
Inlet funnel, insert module for reduction of capacity.
Technical Information:
Installation examples
DA 1540 ceiling inlet
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