Climate systems
Consist of high-quality products
We see your project as a whole, and you get a solution based on the idea of a complete system. We develop and tailor ventilation systems consisting of thoroughly tested products that are easily operated and increase productivity in the livestock house.
Good advice on optimal ventilation is a matter of course so that both you and your employees can utilize the system to its full potential.
All-in solutions for poultry
The livestock house climate is one of the most important factors for the birds' well-being, and there are high demands on the ventilation system.
All-in solutions for pigs
Regardless of the livestock house size, layout, and location, SKOV can provide you with a solution that ensures optimum conditions in each section.
All-in solutions for insects
The system is intended for nursery and grow-out larvae and pupae produced in temperate regions of the world. It can be adapted to most livestock houses.
All-in solutions for dairy
SKOV-SECCO specializes in the manufacturing of ventilation systems for dairy cattle.